About Me
Timothy Wilcox grew up on the Internet and studies English literature. He holds a Ph.D. in English (Stony Brook University, 2019).
Timothy is an expert in British Romantic literature. Then, after noticing how rarely contemporary literature reflected the sort of contemporary life he knew, he developed expertise in digital-era literature, which he taught for five years at Stony Brook University. He has an essay on The Surrogates in Cyberpunk and Visual Culture and his current research project concerns the ways in which early electronic literature emerged from the Romantic tradition.
His expertise allowed him the freedom to develop half a dozen original courses at the intersection of literature and digital technology, and now he is developing this online hub ("About PreCursor Poets") as a way to continually explore the best elements of this subject in more communal, open-ended ways.
Prophets of Nature, we to them will speak
A lasting inspiration, sanctified
By reason, blest by faith: what we have loved,
Others will love, and we will teach them how;
Instruct them how the mind of man becomes
A thousand times more beautiful than the earth
On which he dwells, above this frame of things
(Which, 'mid all revolution in the hopes
And fears of men, doth still remain unchanged)
In beauty exalted, as it is itself
Of quality and fabric more divine.
- William Wordsworth, The Prelude